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From problem to solution: Lesslie simplifies complex cross-border payments for Tolga Food

Tolga Food, one of Sweden's leading food companies, has streamlined their cross-border payments using Lesslie's file payment feature connected with Visma Administration. Now, only a few clicks are required to conduct international transactions.

Before Lesslie PAY

  • Manual and inefficient bookkeeping.
  • Lack of integration options from the bank.
  • High transaction and exchange fees.
  • No overview or control of international payments and exchange rates.

After Lesslie PAY

  • Efficient and simple bookkeeping management with Lesslie PAY's file payments. 
  • Access to smart payment solutions.
  • Better exchange rates and free transactions.
  • Simple and clear overview of their bank accounts, multi-currency accounts, ERP-system, and Skatteverket.

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About Tolga Food 

Tolga Food AB was founded in 2008 with the goal of delivering high-quality Mediterranean products to grocery stores throughout Sweden. With a strong emphasis on excellent service and quality, the company has quickly established itself as a respected player in the food industry. Today, Tolga Food AB offers a wide range of products from around the world, which is perfect for those who love to cook and explore other world cuisines, as well as for the large ethnic groups in Sweden.

With over 300 customers speaking more than 50 languages, they have delivered over 120,000 pallets and sold over 12 billion sunflower seeds, demonstrating their significant presence from north to south.  

”I am truly impressed by Lesslie's responsiveness and ability to quickly adapt to our specific needs with various integrations and features that simplifies our daily operations.”

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- Tolga Ilhan, CEO och founder of Tolga Food



Tolga Ilhan, founder and owner of Tolga Food, did not realize he was paying more than necessary for his international payments. When Lesslie introduced a smart and simple solution to the problem, it would not only mean lower costs but also improve and streamline the company's financial administration and accounting.

Tolga, who uses the Visma Administration business system, needed a solution that supports multiple currencies, simplifies currency exchange and accounting linked to all their international payments, and helps him record transactions correctly. Their problem would be solved by using Lesslie PAY's file payment feature. "Before Lesslie, managing cross-border payments was very time-consuming due to a lot of manual tasks that we had to do and that also took up a lot of unnecessary time," says Tolga Ilhan, CEO and founder of Tolga Food.


Lesslie has helped Tolga streamline his bookkeeping through file payments that easily allow him to download a payment file from their business system (Visma Administration), which is then read into Lesslie PAY. Tolga then signs easily with BankID, and the rest is handled by us at Lesslie, saving a lot of time. "Our bank is unable to handle exchange rate differences, which creates problems with file payments through them. But with Lesslie's solution, complex international payments are managed with great ease, both in execution and reporting. Automation saves time and eliminates manual handling, which is always a risk factor for errors," says Tolga Ilhan, CEO and founder of Tolga Foods.

Smooth bookkeeping management is essential. A company with many international payments in different currencies must be able to work simply and smoothly without constantly having to switch between different systems. They also need to have full control over exchange rates, exchange rate differences, and be able to handle complicated reconciliations without a high risk of inaccuracies. 

"We are most satisfied with the automation of all the manual tasks we had before. Now, just a few clicks replace all the previous work, which also reduces the risk of errors."

- Tolga Ilhan, CEO and founder of Tolga Food

Being able to quickly handle the accounting has greatly simplified the work for the team at Tolga Food. With Lesslie PAY's file payment solution, Tolga receives more accounting documentation, but thanks to everything being smoothly and efficiently managed by Lesslie, unnecessary complexities are eliminated and accuracy in the accounting is ensured. After each payment, the team can easily report back with a CAMT file, which is downloaded from Lesslie PAY and imported directly into their business system. This enables them to quickly clear the invoices and create vouchers, further streamlining the accounting process.

Visit their website www.tolgafood.se


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